Happy Father’s Day

Jun 19, 2023

Happy Belated Father’s Day and Happy Juneteenth all in one!

I know both of these topics deserve their own post, yet here I am on my own timeline (behind and on time) and smelling the flowers along the way.
Yesterday was a super important day for my girls and today is a powerfully important day for our country, in particular for Black Americans. In 1865 the word of the Emancipation Proclamation arrived in Galveston, TX (not too far away from where I live now). See link in  comments to read more about Juneteenth and what you can do to celebrate it or show support.
I have known what Juneteenth was since middle school, yet never celebrated it.
So if you celebrate it, I honor, love and respect that.
Being with the loves of my life and relearning history (as well as watching it unfold) always elicits the deepest gratitude from within me. As a White Hispanic, able-bodied, American, I always have A LOT to learn.
Without perspective and coaching, I could choose to be shook this week as …
My photo shoot pics didn’t come out in time to post for Father’s Day (first world problems), all our cars have hail damage from last weeks storm, and the publishing company I have been working with weekly and paying monthly since 2022 is dissolving today without a book to show for any of it. I can’t even tell you how many hours or $$$ lost this will be.
Suffice it to say. None of this shakes me. None of this is that big of a deal although in the moment sometimes it seems as though it is.
I am grounded.
I continue to recognize my privilege.
I have my family, our health, and our freedom.
No price can be paid for this.
I never thought about this when Victor and I were dating, but he’s definitely the best dad I could have picked for my children. I hope you can say the same. If not, please know that we see you too. The struggles of the single parents are real.
Please use this moment (if you are still with me) to reflect on how grateful you may be for any Father figure in your life as well as our privilege and/or freedom.
Happy Father’s Day to all who are a father or act in a father’s role and Happy Juneteenth to all who celebrate.
Thank you Karen Rumpf Leitner for sharing this article. (See comments)

Including a picture of a book my mother gave to my girls as a introductory way for them to learn about slavery. It’s a sad but true read.